Friday, August 29

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May I say, for the record, that I am sick and tired of hearing people blame everyone except for themselves for certain problems of their own making. The recent housing crunch is due, in large part, to unethical practices it's true. There were lots of people who were given loans that they did not and should not have qualified for, or loans that were not designed for them. The fact that they could get such a raw deal is sad. Beyond that? Where's the personal responsibility? I'd love a house, sure, but I'm not ENTITLED to it. I'm not. I'm not ENTITLED to JACK SHIT, outside of the basic respect and human dignity accorded to every human being on this planet. Beyond that, I make my own way. It's the American myth-- the American dream is not simply that you will have plenty. It is that you can make that plenty yourself.

Why are you owed anything? Why do you think you are entitled to whatever car you want, and whatever house you want, and the designer clothes that you want, and all your petty WANTS? The fact of the matter is that you ARN'T. We are entitled to a right to live-- to live with the ability to chose, the ability to live with the choices we make. We are entitled to all that it means to be human. And guess what? That doesn't mean a mansion, a hummer, designer clothes. We ARE a nation of whiners, folks. For every upstanding, upright strong person there are four people who sit on their asses and BITCH about how they've been given a raw deal. For every person like me, who puts up with shit at work and shit at school and shit at home all in the name of the hope and prayer of a better life, there are the rest of my classmates, who go into debt not because they have to but because they want something shiny. I am the ONLY person who is going into debt for my grad school education out of necessity among my classmates. Every one else is going into more debt then me because they want cars and laptops and new clothes and everything else that they've been told that they absolutely have to have.

Quite frankly, neither candidate supports me. Neither candidate gives a rat's ass about a poor white girl who's got some brains who wants to get somewhere with her life. A lot of Republicans go "Do it yourself, and we won't help you." Democrats go "Sucks to be you, but you're white therefore you must have means therefore we will push you out of the few things that you have to give it to other people." And frankly? I have a shit job, and I barely got my college degree because I'm a poor girl. And you wonder why I hate the ideological politics of today. Because you can blind the many, but the people that you screw will NEVER forgive you. I cannot forgive ANY of the politicians from either side of the aisle that decided that I was not worth it. And quite frankly? It's all of you. The forgotten Americans are few I suppose, but we're still here. We're still your constituency. And we get ignored because we don't matter for your damn schema. I felt like throwing up during the Democratic National Convention. The same will be true of the Republican Convention. For God's sake, why is it so adversarial? If you're not with us you're against us. Sure, great, fine, wonderful, but did you ever think that there are people who are being abandoned to pick up the scraps that fall and you're ignoring them because they arn't vocal enough for your liking?



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