Monday, January 7

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Perhaps the funniest thing about the primary system is how into it everyone gets, and how upset people get that they don't get to vote in both. It's a PARTY election. It's a little aggravating because it's been coming up a lot, along with the scads of emails I get encouraging me to vote in the New Hampshire primary tomorrow. I appreciate that they want a high turnout and that, as a college kid I am the hardest demographic to get to vote. However, I'd need to be, you know, in New Hampshire to make that happen. *shakes head*

I've been thinking a lot about my senior thesis. I'm still really in love with the idea, which I guess is rare. However, I have NO idea how to go about researching it. I know I want to include Coke, Blackstone, Thomas More, Pufendorf, Badgeot, The Once and Future King, Le Morte d'Arthur, and Magna Carta, as well as the 2003 Parliamentary Bill that was a list of the top 20 English common law documents ever. It's there that I have issues. I'm considering Joseph Campbell for his work on myth, and I'm pretty sure Voegelin has stuff too, and I'm sure there's a bunch of commentary; after all, this is the second oldest law system in the WORLD after the civis juris of Justinian (Roman law). But how do you find the good stuff? The library is woefully deficient, and not that many people I know actually know what common law IS, let alone who's good on it.

I guess in the end, this thing is becoming three fold in purpose (oh dear...). First, to show that English common law, itself a wonderful system that has worked for a long long time is too bound up with the English political myth and ideal to be successfully transplanted outside of England. Second, that the common law is so versatile that it has gone through ALL of Aristotle's good governmental phases with little time spent in the three bad ones. Third, it's a justification of the "peculiar institutions" that exist in American law-- like that pesky stare decisis people abide by in court decisions. Oh dear, this is gonna be a tome and there's no way around it.

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