Wednesday, November 28

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First things first: in theory, judicial review does not violate the Constitution. The whole point is that the judiciary is calling a law by Congress not just bad, but not a law at all, as it is in violation of the supreme law of the land (read close, and you'll see the caveat: 'laws made in pursuance of the Constitution'). On the theoretical basis, they're simply calling a spade a spade. So there! (I hate theory debates. No one ever gets it)

Second things second: Real ID, that glorious government program that I doubt would have been approved by the people (speaking of Judicial review, I want to see the many and varied cases that could get brought against this particular act...), may not go into effect. At least, not any time soon. Realizing that, no, you cannot get the entire country re-ID'd by the time graduation rolls around, they pushed back the date and lessened the threats. May I just add that state IDs should be left up to the STATE, not the federal government. I admit I'm a bit of a state's rights girl (subsidiarity for the win), but I think even those in favor of a strong national government can see that a state ID, paid for by the state, and issued by the state, should be designed by the state. A national ID already exists: it's called a passport. This whole thing gets my goat because it really affects travel. It's hard enough flying these days without the hassle of having to get a passport for domestic travel. In some ways, this is all a little too "Utopia" for me (Thomas More's Utopia; excellent commentary on the beginning of the end of good government-- wherever it may be)

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