Friday, February 29

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Thoughts over the last few weeks:

There is little better then a giant golden moon hanging low in the eastern sky. It is in fact better when it is peaking out from around the corner of a 18th century barn.

Politics really grinds my gears (a phrase that comes up a lot around school). Seriously. I know that it's important, I am political science/theory major after all. But I have had it with the American political system, if system it can be called.

I was accepted to grad school! Wee! I was actually the first in my class to receive their acceptance. So it looks like it's Catholic University of America in the fall, for Library Science and Information Studies. Hopefully this leads to museum work. I adore museums. But if I have to spend the rest of my life in a library helping people learn stuff? I'm ok with that ^_^

This also means that my wedding won't be for two summers-- 2010 ya'll. Mark it!

Apparently the Rome students have hit the point where they hate each other and want to hear from someone not their class. I don't ever remember that happening, but then, I didn't have many friends in the class. I hung out with everyone.


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