Wednesday, January 16

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My baby brother is now 18 and officially an adult *sob*

Ahem, anyway... why do men feel that because a girl is working at a coffee place like *fill in the blank* and she smiles and wishes him good day that she must totally be digging him? I've not had this problem, I guess because I always have an air of the Italian woman about me (I call it the "come close to me and so help me GOD I will put my stilletto through your heart without stopping for a beat" look.) Unfortunately, not everyone gets to live in Italy for a semester or two, and American women (and men for that matter) are by nature and nurture a friendly variety of people. However, the girls at my work keep getting hit on by the skeeziest of old men, and it really puts a damper on things. For one, we spend the rest of the day bemoaning the down slide of society to a place where such action is socially acceptable, and that's just not fun. Beyond that, since when is a joke that increased sales tax is to pay baristas to strip funny? Oh, that's right, it totally isn't.

That said, I will miss my cohorts in coffee, caffeine, and crazy. The girls are fun and fun loving, and you actually get close to one another because what else can one do but talk on the slow mid shift. It's a camaraderie similar in nature to the brotherhood of Morons, though it's a completely different animal. School picks up next Monday, a thought I relish not at all. I should have some form of glasses by then (AHHHHH!!!!!). Part of me wants to show up with glasses and short red hair and go incognito.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because sex sells. Why so many women in these positions? Because no matter what you may be underneath, men want what the company is selling. No coffee. Who actually likes American bistro or cafe coffee? They come to see the cute girls and to think for a moment that their sad shells of busy-ness can hold together long enough to think some cute young thing isn't just doing their job, they're attracted to an aging pathetic Waste Land man. I would like to point out, whatever your menial job is, whatever sex you are, the creepy people who can't retain any friends (who hope they can at least be attractive for a moment without having to face the 'pay me for my service' part of their interaction) think they are somehow worthwhile because you smiled. I've never really known what to do with that. It's gross. It's demeaning. It's objectifying. But, its more sad, pathetic and like getting angry at a retard for whacking off. It's certainly disturbing, but they would slam their heads against a wall without it.
Anyway, I never remembered dread about returning to my "home". I relished the return. And I relish not at all having had to graduate and move on. Don't let the man get you down. Kick 'em in the nards! Then break bottles over him while he writhes in agony! You're paying him for service, not the other way 'round. Unhappy with what you're getting? Ask, or demand from his supers, something better. Viva, la resistance!

5:16 AM, January 18, 2008  

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