Tuesday, September 6

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I am crawling out of my skin. I don't like me anymore. I don't want to be me and all that goes with that. I don't want this walk, this talk, this attitude, this family, this school, these people, this life, this me. I want it all to vanish. I want to be someone I'm not. I want to have short red hair and sparkling green eyes, I want to be thin, I want to be tall, I want to be less sensative. I'd be an editor of a fashion magazine, one of those people who can enjoy a party and wish it wouldn't end instead of being one of those people who has never been to one because she's too frightened to even contemplate the idea. I want to indulge in equal parts virtue and vice instead of being a dumpy, down, sad excuse of a person. I want to either be a person of faith or not, but just make up my damn mind one way or the other. I want to break free.


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