Tuesday, May 29

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Ok, I'm watching that thing on the "Star Wars Legacy" on History Channel. And? They compared Anakin's turn to the Dark Side and Padme's broken heart with Dido and Aeneas's leaving Carthage. Because obviously the fact that they were both sad over men leaving is far more important then the fact that Anakin kills all the younglings and becomes teh ebil, whereas Aeneas was actually following the will of the gods and had to establish, you know, Rome. I'm missing something, right?

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Friday, May 18

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I cannot even begin to express how much I miss good tv, and by that, I mean smart tv, and by that I mean mainly the West Wing, like seasons 1-4, because on what other tv show do you have a leader figure conducting an angry conversation with God off the cuff entirely in Latin? or the pitch perfect play of language that is affectionately known as Sorkinese? Or pilgrim detectives?


Thursday, May 17

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So. The school year, she be done. It was... interesting. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that the seniors are graduated and no longer at the school. And it's not working. That class has been there since my freshman year: people come and go, but they are always there. I met over half of them when I visited-- I still remember. TMC without them, with just my class at the helm... it's verging into scary. This is not your ordinary school-- think like small small high school and voila. "My" sophomores are gone, and it's sad. I miss them all horribly.

And I miss my class too. They're the craziest bunch of people, and I love them all to pieces. Hooray for weddings, right? Because it's likely the next time after the spring that i will see all of them together. Le sigh.

And I miss my sweetheart, my love. I miss him most of all.

On a plus note, for the first time in two years, all the juniors passed their jps, and I've only heard of one grade below an A!!! As Rohit proclaimed after Thalia passed (she went last). "We are the SHIT. We f*$king ROCK." Indeed.
