Saturday, September 29

Stumble Upon Toolbar
Clearly, I am back on the East Coast, and clearly I haven't a lot of time. I'll come back to this post in the morning, as there is more then one thing I want to link to. Think of that-- my first linky post!

For now, I leave you with the question: is liturgical art necessarily different then great art? (ah lecture nights...)


Tuesday, September 4

Stumble Upon Toolbar

Well, summer's basically over. I have to pack, and I need to finish so that I can get some sun. The sun here tans you so much quicker then the sun out in New Hampshire. I suppose it's because the sunlight in New Hampshire is so much older. Don't ask me to explain it-- it just is. Even the first warm days of spring feel older because of the way the light plays. The light out here is so young and fresh and exuberant. It almost pays for the way it sears into your skin in 30 seconds, making you flush uncomfortably.

I guess it's because there are trees back there. Real, old, trees. I was raised with pepper trees and eucalyptus trees and palm trees and the old coral tree that hunched in the corner of my yard and bore the most exotic crimson flowers. And back east-- all the trees are old, and they have actual leaves for shade, that change colors and such. I still miss my pepper trees and the coral tree and the bottlebrush tree, mess though it made. And the Rose of Sharon-- I miss it most. Such a delicate little tree, even though it was nearly 50 years old-- sort of the opposite of Miss Havisham I guess.

Now I'm just babbling for no reason. I should be packing...

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Saturday, September 1

Stumble Upon Toolbar
It appears that this little blog will be used once again, probably as my main blog. I was over on livejournal, but the servers have been shaky of late, and people are getting edgy, and it's changing the entire environment. Whereas, here, I never really felt that I was part of a community. It was literally just my little blog for my own little doings.

Which reminds me...

If anyone out there stumbles upon this blog, I would have you think that I really do care about more then just song lyrics and pretty things. This is why I'm pointing everyone to this link: Real Id Nightmare. Anyway, what it amounts to is a giant database of everyone's vital information. It's a little scary. I think everyone should read up on it, find out what it is, and then, if they decide it isn't quite the good thing some people think it is (For the record, it was legislation facing opposition on BOTH sides of the aisle), then pass the info along. A good number of states are already exerting their rights as states (ah, the federal republic at work... I love it!) and refusing to allow the federal government to control state ids. It's a very quiet piece of legislation over all, but everyone should take note: it becomes active next May, and, if you reside in a non-compliant state, then you will be required to have your passport to enter any federal building, national park, or fly commercial. (Link is to the CNN story on Real Id).

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